

In-line with the principles of Traditional Observance lodges, Lodge Veritas invests a great deal of time in, and places a great emphasis on, the quality of degree work preformed, and the education given to its candidates. Accordingly, Petitioning Lodge Veritas is not something that should be undertaken lightly or on a whim. Therefore, Lodge Veritas has strict requirements regarding gentlemen who wish to Petition for membership, which are as follows:


• A gentleman wishing to Petition for membership must attend a minimum of three (3) Agapes (dinners following our Lodge Meetings), or other public functions, prior to being extended a Petition.


 • A gentleman wishing to Petition for membership must submit to, and pass, a background check.


 • A gentleman wishing to Petition for membership must submit a brief resume, which will include a statement as to why the individual wishes to become a member.


• After a candidate receives each degree, he will be required to learn the questions and answers to the required masonic catechism, as well as prepare and present something of masonic value to the lodge, prior to being advanced to the next degree. Lodge Veritas has an education committee that will assist the brother in fulfilling this requirement, which could include a Masonic paper, Masonic artwork, Masonic poetry or music, Masonic craftsmanship, etc.


For more information about the process or to attend an Agape, email our lodge secretary at:






In-line with the principles of Traditional Observance lodges, Lodge Veritas is a small close-knit lodge. The members of Lodge Veritas pride themselves on not only being lodge brethren, but close friends. Therefore, joining lodge Veritas is not simply joining another lodge, but joining a group of close friends. Accordingly, in order to ensure that brethren wishing to affiliate truly know the members of Veritas, and the members of Veritas know brethren wishing to affiliate, Lodge Veritas has strict requirements regarding affiliation, which are as follows:


• A request for affiliation will not be considered, until the brother attends at least six (6) meetings in a twelve (12) month period.

 • The brother seeking affiliation, must also prepare and present something of masonic value to the lodge, prior to the vote being taken regarding his affiliation. Lodge Veritas has an education committee that will assist the brother in fulfilling this requirement, which could include a Masonic paper, Masonic artwork, Masonic poetry or music, Masonic craftsmanship, etc.


For more information about the affiliation process or to attend a meeting, email our lodge secretary at:

Membership & Affiliation