


Lodge Veritas No. 556 is a traditional practices lodge which meets monthly in Norman. If you wish to visit, we ask that you inform the Secretary of your intention to visit, so that we may make the appropriate accommodations for you.


We ask that all visitors join with us in honoring our customs of decorum and dress.


Decorum: It is our belief that a lodge should be a place for quiet contemplation. Therefore, we strictly prohibit side conversations, mobile devices, or anything that might detract from a positive lodge experience.


Dress: Our dress code is black tie (tuxedo) or dark suit and white gloves. If you do not own a pair of white gloves, you are welcome to borrow a pair for the evening. However, we do not keep many extra aprons on-hand, so visitors are requested to bring one with them.


Agape: Visitors are encouraged to join us for dinner after each lodge meeting at a local restaurant.


For more information about visitation, email our lodge secretary at: